Our insights help the great grow.


Complete was founded in 2004 by Dr Alan Watkins, drawing on his background as a physician and neuroscientist.

Alan felt compelled to start his own company to expand the alleviation of suffering. By transferring his skills from the medical world to the business world, Alan found he could positively impact the lives of many, many more people.

Since it began, Alan and the Complete team have helped thousands of leaders, teams and organisations to grow with transformational programmes. 

Complete Network Analysis is a driving force of the Complete offering to help organisations grow further, faster.

Our Values //

At Complete, everything we do is guided by our three core values:

We challenge the leaders we work with to change, develop and accelerate. We have the courage to stand up, speak out and challenge leaders to become exceptional human beings.
We believe in meaningful change in the wider world. We have compassion for our clients and ourselves. We recognise that the world is complicated and change can be difficult.
Cutting edge.
Our work is at the forefront of advances in human development. Everything we say and do is deeply rooted in academic research. We go further to ensure our methodology and approach is genuinely game changing.

For information about Complete coaching and development programmes, visit complete-coherence.com