We stand at a crossroads. I believe we can rise to the challenge and, with the right help, leaders and organisations can be brilliant every day, make wiser decisions and create a more purposeful society for us all.
Dr Alan Watkins
Founder and CEO

Biography //

Alan is recognised as an international expert on leadership and human performance. He has a broad mix of commercial, academic, scientific and technological abilities.

Originally trained as a medical doctor at Imperial College in London he worked for 11 years in the UK’s National Health Service, in primary care in Australia and for a year in academic medical research in the USA. He ended up in neuroscience research before leaving medicine to work with global business leaders.

Over the past 24 years he has been a coach to many top business leaders and worked with the GB Olympic squad, coaches and athletes prior to London 2012 and Rio 2016.

Track record //

Alan has helped companies treble share price, enter the FTSE 100, salvage difficult turnarounds and establish market leadership in their industry. He has helped many executive teams to significantly greater levels of performance, transformed organisational cultures, helped leaders discover their purpose and identify new ways to succeed.

He is an inspiring and entertaining keynote and his TEDx lectures have attracted over 4 million views.

Style //

Alan’s style is deeply insightful and robustly challenging. He is also very supportive, encouraging and humorous. He integrates his very broad mix of abilities and depth of thinking on multiple topics to help clients transform themselves, their teams and their organisations, achieving result that even they didn’t think were possible.

Qualifications //

In addition to his medical degree Alan also has a first class degree in Psychology from the University of London and a PhD in Immunology from Southampton University, UK. He has written numerous academic papers, published in peer reviewed scientific journals. He is the author of seven books on topics from leadership to how to solve the world’s toughest problems and he has three more books in preparation.